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childhood publics
Sevasti-Melissa Nolas talks about her Children & Society article ‘Children’s Participation, Childhood Publics, and Social Change: A Review‘ and explores the idea of childhood publics:
children’s cartography & childhood publics
Christos Varvantakis and Sevasti-Melissa Nolas join the Livingmaps Network to discuss our children’s cartography methods, and how we are using imagined spaces to explore children’s participation and childhood publics:
kinship mapping
Vinnarasan Aruldoss talks to our new Research Assistant Robyn Long about Kinship Mapping as Method:
play as a research method
Sevasti-Melissa Nolas explains what we mean by ‘childhood publics‘, and talks about the ways that we have used play as a research method when working with children:
political activism across the lifecourse
David Canter, editor of Contemporary Social Science, discusses our Special Issue ‘Political Activism Across the Lifecourse‘. You can read the full transcript of the podcast here.
This podcast has been uploaded to Soundcloud for ease of sharing. You can access the original recording here.